Oaxaca is a state with great biodiversity that is well worth knowing. However, touring everything would require an extremely long journey. Fortunately, there is a way to know in a short tour all the diversity of flora of Oaxaca. The Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden is a great place to learn more about the natural beauty of the state without having to make a long journey. Learn more about this paradise in the heart of the Oaxacan capital
How did the Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca come about?

In 1993 Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca emerged as a civil initiative. At that time it was necessary to decide what was to be done with the space because the military would stop occupying it as a barracks. Hence, a space was proposed for the conservation of biodiversity in the state of Oaxaca.
Although previously the garden had already been occupied to house plants. During the 16th century, the space was the garden of the temple of Santo Domingo Guzmán, which housed Dominican friars who worked the land to feed themselves. In a way, with the garden project, the space returned to its original purpose and destination.
The director and founder of the Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca, Alejandro de Ávila, recounts that, before having the space for the project, there was only one museum dedicated to ethnobotany. However, there was a strong desire to conserve the region’s own species. As soon as they had the permits and the necessary adaptations were made, they began planting and propagating species within the garden in 1998.
Today, the garden is populated with large trees and plants of all types of climates (from the most arid to tropical). The beauty of plants is undeniable, but also the landscaping work that has arranged plants in a charming way.
What you will see in the garden

Part of the purpose of the garden, as Alejandro Ávila recounts, is the conservation of species endemic to Oaxaca (that is, that are native to the state and that are not found anywhere else). There are many factors that have affected plants in the region (including climate change) so many fear that some species will be lost.
In the Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden, species at risk are spread. The garden is not only a place to see but also to learn, have courses and workshops that can take the local population as well as visitors. They educate people to respect the life and incredible functions of plants in ecosystems.
Currently, the garden has more than 950 endemic species and plans to continue growing and spreading them for conservation.
How can you visit?

The Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden is located on Reforma Street in the Centro neighborhood. If you are going to visit the Temple of Santo Domingo Guzmán you cannot miss it.
They have guided tours in different languages:
SPANISH. Monday to Saturday 10:00, 12:00, and 17:00 hrs.
ENGLISH. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 11:00 hrs.
FRENCH. Tuesday 17:00 hrs.
GERMAN. Wednesday 17:00 hrs.
It is suggested to arrive 10 minutes before starting the tour.
To confirm dates you can visit your Facebook page and access the latest updates: Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden JEBOax
School tours are a special case, therefore you should communicate to the mail: etnobotanico@infinitummail.com
Come and visit the Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca
The natural diversity of our planet is incredible and the Ethnobotanical Garden of Oaxaca is the ideal place to let us marvel at all that nature is capable of creating. If you visit Oaxaca you can’t help but stroll through this incredible garden to discover all that the rich Oaxacan land has to offer.
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