If you are planning to travel to this paradisiacal place, you need to board flights to Puerto Escondido. Then, here we will provide you with complete information about Puerto Escondido International Airport, airport location, time zone, latitude and longitude, current time and date.
If you are planning to travel to this paradisiacal place, you need to board to Puerto Escondido.
So, here we will provide you with complete information about Puerto Escondido International Airport, along with the location, time zone, latitude and longitude, current time and date.
Remember that its IATA airport code is PXM.
Puerto Escondido International Airport (PXM) has international flights from Puerto Escondido. Therefore, this place is located on the edge of the Pacific coast 3 kilometers (2 miles) from the center of Puerto Escondido, in the state of Oaxaca, in Mexico.
Here we provide all the information you need to know about Puerto Escondido Airport, Mexico.
Then, our goal is to help travelers and tourists visiting Mexico or traveling through Puerto Escondido Airport.

How reliable is this airport to travel to Puerto Escondido?
PXM is one of the fastest-growing airports in Mexico. In 2021 alone it received more than half a million passengers from all over the world.
There are three main airports located in the state of Oaxaca:
- Puerto Escondido International Airport
- Oaxaca City International Airport
- Huatulco International Airport
So, here we have complete guides for those planning to travel to Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca.
Puerto Escondido International Airport Details
- IATA Code: PXM
- DGAC Code: PXM
- Located 2 kilometers from the city of Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, on the Mexican Pacific coast.
- Operated by Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (a federal government corporation).
- The airport has a parking service (26 parking spaces), car rental services and ground transportation.
- So, it is about 4 km (2 1/2 miles) north of downtown, near Playa Bacocho.
“Puerto Escondido International Airport”.
- Carretera Costera Km. 6.5 C.P. 71980 Puerto Escondido, Oax.
- Official hours of operation: from 7:00 to 19:00 hrs.
- Tel. (954)5820977 / (954)5820982
How to get to Puerto Escondido by plane?
There are flights from Mexico City and Oaxaca City to this paradise. Some of the main national airlines that operate to Puerto Escondido are:
- Aeromexico
- Vivaaerobus
- Volaris
- AEROTUCAN (Air Taxi) daily trips to Puerto Escondido, Bahias de Huatulco and Ciudad Ixtepec.
Cab from the airport
Traveling in private cabs is the most comfortable and fastest option, especially if you are carrying a lot of luggage or you are very tired due to your trip.
However, you should know that it is also the most expensive option. Check with several of these services before getting into the first private cab you come across.
Requesting transportation via mobile applications
Mobile transportation requests are very new in Oaxaca. Previously there was no Uber or other app-driven service (Cabify, Didi, Lyft or Beat).
In August 2021 Uber arrived in Oaxaca, however, it is still a very new service and can be flawed. Look for cheaper alternatives than a cab at the airport itself.
Shuttle bus or transfer
The airport shuttle service is one of the cheapest options.
So, to access it, check directly with the ticket offices and drivers about the route they will take and where they can take you.
Cab / Collective companies: Transpotradora Turística Puerto Escondido, Transporte Puerto Escondido. Dreams, etc.
Then, here we have car rental companies: Los Tres Reyes, Coche de Plata, etc…
- Small souvenir store
- Small food stalls located at the entrance
- Small cafeteria
- ATM located at the entrance
- Parking is available at the Puerto Escondido airport (first 10 minutes are free). So, per day it costs 30 MXN and per night 100 MXN.
What do alliances fly to Puerto Escondido Airport?
The only official airline alliance that flies to PXMis SkyTeam. Therefore, it is one of the three major airline alliances in the world along with Star Alliance and Oneworld.
The alliance has 20 international airlines, one of which is Aeromexico.
Also, the main airline that flies to PXM is Aeromar.
So, check here for the PXM arrivals and departures. Its current time is based on Mexico time, GMT-5.
Then, read more details about Puerto Escondido here: